Great Barrier Reef Tour from Cairns, Australia: Episode 1
Sunday 20th November 2010
This weeks flight of the week features Orbx's newly released YBCS, Cairns International Airport and includes 100 sq. km of photographic scenery and custom made buildings and objects. This is episode one of a two part episode.
Melbourne International, YMML 2.0
25th November 2010
This weeks long overdue flight of the week takes place over some awesome new scenery I just purchased from Orbx ( The scenery in question is YMML 2.0 otherwise known as Melbourne International. It's truly awesome boasting 7cm per pixel high resolution photo real ground scenery, incredibly detailed airport buildings and even apron workers in and around the tarmac. Check out this video I made in a Piper Cub completing a quick circuity around the airport.
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Squamish-Vancouver, B.C. Canada
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This weeks flight of the week consists of a flight from Squamish to Vancouver Airport both located in British Columbia, Canada in the Carenado F33-Bonanza. This was one of my first flights using the new Real Environment Xtreme Overdrive Texture pack and I hope that after looking at these screenshots, you will agree that it is awesome. I am also using Orbx's Pacific Northwest scenery. I used REX real-world weather.
Following take-off at Squamish airport, I headed up the Strait of Georgia towards Brittania Beach, an old mining town located on the left in the pictures below.
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The weather was glorious on this particular day so after taking a look at a ferry docking at Horseshoe Bay, I decided to take a closer look at Black Mountain before heading on through the Burrard Inlet to be treated to a spectacular view of downtown Vancouver.
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I headed on towards Richmond, Vancouver to line myself up for landing at Vancouver International. I was number two for landing behind an Air Alaska 737-800. As got closer to the airport, winds were blowing at 10 knots and things got a little bumpy as it started to rain with a weather system moving in from the Pacific Ocean.
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With a little extra work, I touched down at Vancouver International Airport. I highly recommend this short flight and all the various add-ons involved. Now to catch the sky-train to Granville Street for a cup of coffee!