Dear Simmer,
I spend hours regularly looking at the hard work that goes into many of the flight simulator videos that enthusiasts produce here on this forum and elsewhere. When searching on youtube there are some real gems showcasing all manner of add-ons but quite often these receive a low number of views I feel because simmers simply can't find them or don't know about them. Also on youtube, there are a lot of slightly less impressive attempts at FS video production which often hides the attempts that are of superior quality and deserve recognition making them harder to find (I often click upload date to see what's new but I'm frequently bombared by fairly weak FS attempts or the use of different key words means that certain great videos don't show up too easily in searches).
With this in mind and for some time now, I have been meaning to put together a blog which I plan to update continously showcasing the best FS and aviation videos I have found over the years. With this I hope to promote the author of the video and the add-on being showcased. Most of all I think it would be cool for sim enthusiasts, like me, who like looking at such videos to have an external place to view only the highest quality FS videos. I also have included a 'Flight of the Week' section to showcase great flights that one can do in FSX with a flight description, screenshots and a flightplan.
I don't claim that this is the Holy Grail of the best FS and aviation videos but it's a start and I plan to build it into a rather large catelogue if I see people are interested.
Please bookmark my blogs address and subscribe/add a feed using the links at the bottom of the home page:
Please feel free to comment on the blog itself beneath videos, you don't need to register. I hope you find it interesting and many of you will see your videos up there.
I really hope you enjoy following my blog and come back regularly.